Meeting documents

Dorset County Council Dorset Health Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 7th March, 2019 10.00 am

  • Meeting of Dorset Health Scrutiny Committee, Thursday, 7th March, 2019 10.00 am (Item 5.)

To consider a report by the Transformation Programme Lead for the Adult and Community Services Forward Together Programme (attached).


The Committee received an update report by the Transformation Programme Lead for the Adult and Community Services Forward Together Programme.


The report was introduced by the Health Partnerships Officer who informed the Committee that the Referral to the Secretary of State remained under consideration and that the timescale for a response was not yet known.  The letter of support for the referral by the Borough of Poole had been attached as an appendix to the report.


She reported that the Joint Health Scrutiny Committee for SWAST had met on 24 January 2019.  The Joint Committee had been hosted by the Borough of Poole and had been a positive meeting with openness by SWAST about performance, particularly in relation to category 3 and 4 incidents. The actions taken to improve performance in this area were also highlighted, including a risk stratification tool to support despatch decisions; the roll-out of a community responder falls scheme; a more effective incident stacking system, the recruitment of additional Paramedics from New Zealand and improved use of the vehicle fleet.  The Joint Committee recommended that ambulance performance continued to be monitored whilst recognising the potential difference in approaches that might be taken by the new councils.


Councillors Brookes and Oggelsby offered personal perspectives of the meeting and highlighted in particular that it had taken over a year to convene this meeting which had led to a delay in debating the issues.


Members discussed whether it would be appropriate to specify the number of meetings and the way in which terms of reference and the type of issues might influence the frequency of meetings.


Whilst it was acknowledged that a minimum number of meetings might be appropriate for a deep dive into a specific issue, it was noted that a Joint Committee would set its own terms of reference and meet as and when required and have regard to officer capacity.


Following the discussion it was agreed that ambulance times would be incorporated into the Committee's forward plan for consideration in 6 months' time. The view was also expressed that it would be favourable to have a pan Dorset committee in future as health issues affected Dorset as a whole.


Members asked about the definition of the categories and relayed accounts of long periods before ambulance arrival in respect of category 3 and 4 type incidents and a 1 hour 45 minute wait in respect of a category 1 call which was unacceptable.  It would be equally important to understand the reasons for prolonged call out periods which included 2-3 hour delays in handing over patients at hospitals.  A daily report from SWAST which provided numbers and duration of handover delays at individual hospitals was available.


Concern was expressed regarding the closure of local hospitals in advance of the implementation of the community hubs that had most likely increased pressure on the ambulance service.  However, the Chairman reminded members that some of the changes had not been progressed due to the referral of the CSR proposals to the Secretary of State and that the Committee must wait for the response.



1.       That the support of Members from the Borough of Poole in relation to the referral to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care be noted;

2.       That a review of the delivery and performance of the new Integrated Urgent Care Service in six months' time, as suggested by the Joint Committee for the scrutiny of SWAST be agreed; and

3.       That the slide presentation for the Joint Committee (SWAST) is circulated to the Committee.


Reason for Decisions

The recommendations were in recognition of the need for on-going scrutiny by the Dorset Committee and both Joint Committees for the Clinical Services Review and the performance and capacity of local ambulance services.

Supporting documents: